The Following is an Excerpt of an Article on World Net Daily:
Obama inspires Islamists' D.C. prayer rally
Shariah experts to proclaim 'Our Day has Come'
Posted: September 14, 2009
10:32 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Muslims who are working to stage the "Our Day Has Come" day of prayer at the U.S. Capitol have discussed views that include an Islamic takeover of the White House, from where they say President Barack Obama is providing their inspiration.
Building on the Islamic interest in Obama's inauguration, when Muslims claimed in a magazine that "It's our time," the event planners are calling for 50,000 Muslims to attend the 4 a.m. event on the National Mall on Sept. 25
The organizer is Hassen Abdellah, who leads a Elizabeth, N.J., mosque, and two special guests for the event, according to the website, will be Sheik Muhammad Jebril and Sheik Ahmed Dewidar.
You can read the entire articl at: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=109847
We've talked before on here about the Islamic advance on Europe and America. It is amazing to see two continents that used to be primarily Christian are becoming increasingly Muslim. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT NOW CHRISTIANITY IS GROWING IN AFRICA, SOUTHEAST ASIA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST. So, the scenario is this: the parts of the world that have traditionally been Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu are becoming more Christian, while the areas which have been traditionally Christian are becoming increasingly more Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist.
Is this foretold in Scripture? Well, certainly we can apply the the prophecy given the Church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:5 to the Church in Europe and America. Just as with ancient Israel and the Church at Ephesus, we left our first love (Jesus Christ), we went whoring after other gods (money, false religion, political correctness, secular humanism, popular opinion, etc.), and as we have sown to that wind, we have in turn reaped the whirlwind. God is in essence saying to us today, "Unless you repent and do the first works, I will come and take away your candlestick (light of the Gospel)."
The Church is betraying one another, backbiting, gossipping, apathetic toward the lost, self-centered, concerned more with getting a crowd than getting the cloud of God's glory! Is is any wonder that the Muslims are now declaring, "This is our time. Our day has arrived!?!" They look at a weak and enemic church content to fight on their turf - the carnal, political and military fronts - instead of fighting on our knees in prayer. They see us engaging in gross and immoral sin and feel justified. As long as our entitlements are coming in, we say nothing about the corruption in our Government. We care not that self-avowed Communists like Van Jones are being appointed to "CZAR" positions. Where's that in the Constitution btw? We turn a deaf ear when another Czar says, "Ban on human cloning is silly." You say prove it? Ok!
From Cass Sunstein's, Obama's newly appointed Regulatory Czar, own lips:
"There is no moral concern regarding cloning human beings since human embryos, which develop into a baby, are "only a handful of cells," argued President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein."
We continue our slide into immorality, communism and socialism. We've allowed the foundations to be destroyed out from under us, and then we are totally outraged when someone speaks the truth about what actually is going on saying they are being judgmental and mean spirited. And the Muslims laugh us to scorn realizing that their day may have indeed dawned in America.
They have a President who attended a Wahabi school in Indonesia. A White House, which had 90% of its staffers go on vacation the first day of Ramadan. Not to mention the administration's hard-line stance against peaceful Israelis settling the West Bank.
When will the Church in America arise from its sleep? When will we stand? When will we quit worrying about getting a crowd, being popular and being cool? When will we stand for what's right and godly regardless of the cost? Just to let you in on a little history, it was us rebel-rousing Baptist preachers in Virginia in the late 1700's which stood against tyranny and inspired the American Revolution. We must stand again! We must live for Christ at all cost! We must take a stand for human life at every juncture. We must stand for Him until He returns! The true Church will make it and grow world-wide, but we want the Lord to find faith in America when He returns as well! God Bless You! Maranatha!
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