1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
The last 2 posts were dedicated primarily to Israel and God's work with the Jewish people in the last days. Now, I want to focus our attention on the Gentile world, primarily the spiritual and religious Gentile world. Notice, Paul says here that in the latter times some shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils or demons. When I think about the term, "seduction," I immediately think of a clever man or woman trying to entice a member of the opposite sex into compromising their convictions, so that they might have their way with them. I believe that is what Paul was warning the young preacher Timothy about in a spiritual sense.
Ephesians 4:30 tells us to "Grieve not the Spirit." To grieve is the same word as the grief that is felt when a spouse has been unfaithful. Could it be that the Church in the 21st Century has been seduced and is in essence committing spiritual adultery with the gods of this world? All around us, those both in and out of the Church are being seduced by demons. You say how is this possible?
Well, I believe it is possible first of all in a spiritual sense, and secondly in a literal sense. I'll deal with the spiritual first. The fastest growing religion among teens in Europe a few years ago was Wiccan. We see witchcraft and the occult growing rapidly. We see this taking place outside of the church, and then inside we see the church having a form of godliness but denying its power. What is that power? The unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is its power! Paul wrote in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek." We are preaching everything from pop-psychology to positive thinking to business and marketing schemes, when people all around us are dying and going to Hell. What people need to hear is that we've all sinned and are desperately wicked, and apart from Christ, we're doomed for Hell! It is only through the blood of His cross that we can make peace with God! But we've been seduced by user-friendly churches with big crowds thinking bigger must be better. God's not interested in our fancy programs, buildings, slogans or marketing schemes. The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost. The Gospel, plain and simple, is what we need to be preaching in these last days!
Now, in a literal sense, people are being seduced by demons. We should've known this would be the case in the last days, because Jesus said that it would be like it was in the days of Noah when He returned. How was it? According to Genesis 6:2, the Sons of God entered into the daughters of man and produced an unholy and yes unnatural offspring. The only other time that the term, "Sons of God," is used is in Job where the Sons of God are giving a report to God the Father concerning their activity in the earth. Furthermore...
Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
When it says they kept not their first estate, it means they didn't keep their first place, principality or magistracy. In other words, they gave that up for something else. Peter goes on to say in 2 Peter 2:4 that God did not spare the angels which sinned, but cast them into hell (Tartarus/bottomless pit). What sin could he be speaking of that caused God to banish them to the bottomless pit and reserve them in chains of fire for punishment? I believe, as hard as it is to believe, their entering into the daughters of mankind. So that brings us to the question, "Is this sort of thing still happening today? I believe it is.
First, the UFO phenomenon - while we can dismiss some accounts of UFO sightings and abductions you can't dismiss them all. And if something is out there, what is it? I believe the most logical and biblical answer is that it is demonic in nature and demons are preying on mankind. Second, demon possession is just as real today as it was in the 1st Century. People are literally being possessed by demons through witchcraft, channelling, communicating with dead, playing around with Ouija boards, etc.
What point am I trying to make? Jesus is coming! And people are being seduced by devils and their doctrines. Therefore, we must preach the word. We must be instant in season and out. We must fight the good fight of faith, and win souls to Christ while we can. We do live in dark times, so we must shine the light. Remember John 1:5, "The light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." Keep on shining bright in these last days, and preach the Gospel without fear!
Amen Pastor!
ReplyDeleteWhen the Holy Spirit revealed this to me,it was a hard pill to take. The real term is a Paradigm shift. Think of a Paradigm Shift as a change from one way of thinking to another,and it isn't always easy to go against what you have been taught all of your life.
Then it was as though the Spirit of God spoke,and said to me Are you going to listen to me ? or some man?
When it comes down to it we are responsible only to God..We are told to study to show ourselves approved,workmen that needeth not be ashamed... and in my opinion for what it's worth means to listen to the Spirit of God before we listen to men.
Thanks! God used a godly deacon at my first church to get me to thinking about the true nature of the Nephilim (offspring of Sons of God and Daughters of Man). The bible says that they became rulers in the world and were giants. If it was just the Sons of Seth marrying the ungodly daughters of Cain, why did they produce giants, and why were they the rulers? Furthermore, their level of wickedness seems to be at a higher level according to the text; and they influenced mankind to do evil and wickedness, so much so that God repented that He had even made man.
ReplyDeleteThen after God changed my way of thinking, I found out that I wasn't alone. There are many Bible teachers and commentators who reject the Sethite/Cainite view in favor of fallen angels. The days in which we live are evil, but where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. We must do all we can to win souls until Jesus returns!
ReplyDeleteI came to that veiw point a few years back as well. After taking both Gen and Jude in context it is hard to argue for the Cain/Seth relationship.
I will also say that far to many times we focus on mans words and not the word of God. I remember a few years back at Vanderbuilt I was wanting to understand which view is correct...Calvinisim or Arminisim or some other veiw....I remember telling someone my goal...to which they replyed "good luck they have been fighting over that issue for many years" I replied, well I plan on just looking in the word of God and praying that His truth will be reveild to me!...it took some time, but the Lord did show me through His word His truth...Though I am not finished learning!! May I never stop seeking Gods truth for my life!
You are wise to keep the Word of God as the only authority. I believe, that in these end times, too many Pastors and Leaders are "tickling the ears" of the flock, just to keep the money flow coming in. I would like to hear what your insight on Christmas and Easter. Are these holidays really Biblical or Pagan? I believe they are of Pagan origin, and the church needs to stop listening to the doctrines of demons and men, and start doing what Gods Word says. We should be living our lives as Christ commanded.
Deletegoing to church build, see preach or pastors,reading your bible teachers, which many and most all are agents of the devil, cant save you or anyone- 1 , you must be called by god's spirit ans jesus humble yourself to true repents, 2. you must be be baptized for the remissions of sins and receive the gift of the holy ghost-being born again in spirit and water-3. you must forsaken all wordly lust possesions , riches.4 you must must obey jesus words and be a doer of them everday, pick up cross, die daily of sin and self. 5 go barefruit -and do good works shows truth faith and sowing seed for god's kingdom and make holy disciples -keep and obey god's commandments , those that love him and jesus, live a holy , truth , righteousness, judgement, obendience life to god and jesus, and endure holy faith to end to be saved,amen godbless. jesus said strive hard many are called, but a few are chosen,only a few will TRULY REPENT ,BE HOLY GHOST FILLED obey and live holy and godly forsaken sin and ALL WORDLY LUST -WORDLY MATERIALS, HOMES,ETC FOR HIS NAME SAKE , A FEW WILL BE SAVED-EVERLASTING LIFE.AMEN GODBLESS