Friday, February 4, 2011

The Emerging Muslim Caliphate

As I write, Mubarak's govt. in Egypt is on the brink of falling. King Abdullah of Jordan has announced that he is dissolving his govt. What does this mean in light of Bible Prophecy? I believe we are seeing the emergence of new Muslim Caliphate. A Caliphate is a Muslim Socialist State run by a muslim leader/caliph. The first one came about in 720 A.D.

The 2nd major caliphate was the Ottoman Empire of the 1500-1600's.

If Egypt and Jordan go "Democratic," the strongest political forces to step in and fill the vacuum will more than likely be Pro-Iranian Shiite radicals, similar to Hezbollah and Hamas that now control Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian/Edomite cities of the West Bank.

The Caliph according to Sunnis is only to be a Muslim leader, but according to Shia, he is to be an Imam from the family of the prophet Mohammad. The Shiite radicals according to Ahmedinijad of Iran are creating chaos in the world so that the 12th Imam can immerge. This 12th Imam (Muslim Messiah/Antichrist figure) is to come forth from Ancient Babylon. If and when Iraq comes under Shiite control, look for the Caliphate to take hold. This Messiah figure according to Shia prophecy will appear with Issa (Muslim name for Jesus), and they will convert the world to Islam while persecuting Christians and Jews. To the radical Shia, they wait for the day when Israel will be driven into the sea and the world is a socialist state under Sharia Law. The infidels (namely Christians and Jews) will then have the choice to convert to Islam or die.

So is any of this prophesied in Scripture? The prophet Ezekiel 2,500+ years ago predicted a battle to take place in the latter years/end times in which a great army from the North (Russia) would ally themselves with a possible Caliphate of Islamic nations and come against Israel. God will draw them down and destroy them on the Mountains of Israel, and the World and Israel will know that He is the Lord! I believe we are on the brink of this occurring even now. If you don't know Jesus, now is the time to prepare to meet Him. Trust Him as your Savior today! Live in light of His imminent return! MARANATHA!!!

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