Sorry to borrow the title from a David Jeremiah book, but if you've been paying attention to the news at all this summer and/or even the last couple weeks, you might be asking yourself that question, as I have been.
What is going on?
Our Congress is debating a so-called "Healthcare" bill, which resembles something out of Nazi Germany, complete with death panels and everything. Who would ever have thought that we would be debating, much less this close to passing, a bill that would literally force our senior citizens to receive end of life counselling, counselling them on how to end their lives early so as not to be a burden on society? This is not even to mention the provisions for abortions that will be funded by your tax dollars! Furthermore, when the government controls healthcare, they will be able to force doctors who might conscientiously object to performing an abortion to either start performing them or lose their license.
What is going on?
Our President has now appointed 32 "Czars" to deal with various policies and problems which are not vetted or voted upon by the Senate and are being paid by us through taxation. Included in this distinguished group is Cass Sunstein who came out 2 weeks ago in favor of human cloning saying an embryo is just a mass of cells and not a baby. Also, remember Van Jones, a self-avowed Communist, who was appointed as environmental Czar and then back out because of public outcry.
What is going on?
Iran has tested missiles with the approval of Russia 3 times in the last two days. While Obama has been talking tough, we realize that talk is cheap. And now that we have abandoned our allies in Eastern Europe by backing down from the Missile defense shield due to pressure from Putin and Medvedev of Russia. I imagine the former KGB agent is feeling pretty smug right about now and plotting his invasion of Israel as we speak.
What is going on?
We're bogged down in Afghanistan with loss of life going up and no backbone to fund the war and supply more troops. Will Afghanistan prove once again to be the burial ground for Empires? Alexander the Great's Empire was buried there; the Soviet Union was buried there; and now, possibly the Great U.S.A. Our President practically announced the end of the American era as a superpower this week at the U.N. when once again we found him apologizing for America and vowing to be just one more country in the world community of nations.
What is going on?
The world is turning a deaf ear as Netanyahu and the Israeli people cry out for help against a soon to be, if not already, Nuclear Iran.
Everything is lining up perfectly according to God prophetic plan. His prophetic clock is ticking towards midnight; and the world, and yes even the church have been rocked to sleep and is continuing as if nothing is happening! While the bridegroom is tarrying, we are slumbering and sleeping.
Friends, this ought to be the most exciting times in the history of the Church! Jesus literally could come back at any moment and catch us away to be with Him! If you don't believe me, Read Zechariah 12:1-3 and 14:1-4! Read Ezekiel 35-39 and see if Israel has not been regathered and is being prepared to fulfill her prophetic destiny in these last days! Read Daniel 7-9 and see if Antichrist and his Kingdom are not about to be revealed! And if you can look at all this, read your newspaper and not see that this age of grace is drawing to a close, I WONDER WHAT WILL WAKE YOU UP!!! Jesus is awesome and will get the victory! He is coming soon! Are you ready to meet Him? God Bless you! MARANATHA!!!
Great Wake-Up Call! Everything that is happening in the world right now, can be kind of frightening, even to Christians. However, it should be exciting as we watch prophecy unfold. We need to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus and keep in mind that this world is not our home. Perhaps today, Jesus will come in the clouds and catch us away.
ReplyDeleteListening For the Trumpet,
Dr. GA