Thursday, February 5, 2009

Abomination or Alternate Lifestyle?

An excerpt from an article recently on by Chelsea Schilling:

SACRAMENTO – Facing a $42 billion deficit and a state debt that grows by $28,000 every minute, California has managed to find enough room in its budget to sponsor an elaborate statewide campaign to promote homosexual adoption.

It seems almost too far out there to believe, but the state of California amidst a $42 million shortfall, is using state funds to promote homosexual adoption. While the left rarely speaks of adoption by heterosexuals and instead promotes a "woman's right to choose" abortion, they will promote adoption by couple's living in sinful perversion. That isn't to mention the fiscal irresponsibility of such a move.

In another article on the same website, it reported that the Governor of Maryland is promoting a bill to allow homosexual couples the same health benefits as married couples. What are we doing? Do we now know more than God? In an attempt to be fair and open minded, we have become further depraved and set our faces against a holy God.

As America and the individual states continue to slide faster and faster into both an economic and moral abyss, we are pushing tolerance as the main virtue. Aristotle had it right when he said, "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society." We continue to hold onto sexual deviance and perversion, that which Paul said was against nature and Leviticus says is an abomination. I don't mean to state the obvious, but it makes no sense to promote adoption among homosexuals. If there are no heterosexuals, there will eventually be no children. Without children, there will be no workforce and the society will completely collapse. Or has the society already collapsed and now we are just beginning to see the results of it? Again, the great sign of the last days will be an unwillingness to repent in the face of judgment, logic and reason. Instead of thinking logically, we think with our feelings. We've replaced lust for love. And instead of admitting, I'm wrong; I need forgiveness, we say, "Who are you, God or the Bible to govern my life."

Is this predicted as well? Sadly, it is. 2 Timothy 3:1-3a KJV - "This know also, in the last days, perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection." We continue to slide down the slippery slope of compromise and liberalism, not giving a thought to God and His Word. And sadly, much of the church is either asleep or steeped in apostasy.

Now is the time to awaken and sound the alarm. Now is the time to blow the trumpet in Zion and proclaim, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Now is the time to win souls to Christ. We are in the last days, don't let your love grow cold as lawlessness abounds! Look up and get ready, for Christ is coming! God Bless!

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