Often times the assertion is made that one cannot know whether or not we're living in the last days just prior to Christ's return. While most will say, "We should live as if he'd come today but plan as if he won't," they'll asseert that we just can't know, because Christ said, "No man knows the day nor the hour."
Now, to fully understand and appreciate the meaning of Christ's words, we must look beyond the words to the custom of that day. What was Jesus referring to when He said, "No man knows the day nor the hour?" He was referring to the custom of a Jewish wedding. To more fully understand these customs, check out Bro. David Colvin's blog on this subject at: www.colvin5776.blogspot.com . Anyway, when Christ said these words, He was giving the typical response of a bridegroom when asked about when His wedding day would occur.
After paying the dowry and signing the wedding contract, the bridegroom would then return to the Father's house and build a room on it for His bride. Does this sound familiar? John 14:1-4! Christ paid the dowry for His bride at Calvary and signed the contract. He now for 2000+ years has been building a room/mansion on the Father's House. No wonder the Scripture says, "Eye hath not seen, neither hath ear heard, neither hath it entered in to the heart of man what the Father has in store for His Children!"
Back to our subject, only the Father could determine when that room was complete. The Son usually knew within a 3 day period [Could it be the Feast of the Trumpets, since all other Feasts have been literally fulfilled?]. The bridegroom would then go and get His bride and bring her back for a time of concealment, usually 1 week [Could it be Daniel's 70th week of prophecy known as the Tribulation period?]. During that week, the Father would collect all debts owed to his son. During the Tribulation, the Father will collect all debts owed by this world to His Son! At the end of the week, the Bride and Groom would come out at the Wedding Feast, described in Revelation 19.
So, can we know when and if He is coming soon? Absolutely! Paul told the Thessalonians, "Of the times and seasons, I have no need to write to you." And, "That day will not overtake you as a thief." We are to always be watching and waiting. When Jesus said, concerning the the Jewish people gaining control again of Jerusalem, "This generation will not pass until all is fulfilled," He meant it. We are that generation! We're living in the days that the prophets spoke about. We must remain faithful until the end, and not become a statistic of apostasy. While many will depart from the faith, we can remain faithful! Let's keep looking for that blessed hope! God bless you!
To add something else many don't talk about, and something I my self have not put on the blog as of yet (hope to soon)...Is that when the bride is taken to the Groom for the wedding feast and is there for a week (7 days)this is in direct proportion to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb...that will take place in heaven as the world faces the Tribulation (7 years)
ReplyDeleteNow when you read Revelations we read that after the 7 years of Tribulation Jesus will come with his bride to battle in Armegeddon...Now Where do we find this in the custums?
1. Sampson when he came from his bridal chamber he then killed 30 men from Ashkelon. (Judges 14:1-19)
2. Notice also that the first miracle recorded that Jesus did was at a wedding, and the very next thing that is recorded that Jesus does is He purges the temple. (John 2:11-17)
Not only does the study of the bride of Christ illuminate doctrines of Pre-trib, and the Resurection, but also shows us that Jesus Christ will one day cleans this world with his rightous Judgement!