It seems with each passing day, more and more prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Such is the case with the reports coming in literally worldwide of fish and birds dying. Everywhere from places along the New Madrid Fault like Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois to the Chesapeak Bay to as far away as Vietnam. It certainly has a prophetic feel to it. I believe that when it comes to Bible prophecy there is both an immediate fulfillment and a future fulfillment. So, let's look as a couple of prophetic passages concerning birds and fish dying.
Also, if you are like me, you prescribe to a cyclical view of history that simply put states, "History repeats itself." As my father told me recently, "Whatever God has done in the past, he will do again, unless He has said He won't do it again." The only thing God has said specifically he will not do again is to destroy the Earth with water. In Hosea 4:1-3, there is an interesting prophecy given to Israel. God tells them, essentially, "You have forsaken me; the land is full of adultery and murder and lies. Because of this, I will destroy you as well as the beasts of the field, the birds and the fish." You can read this passage by clicking here. It describes America to a tee; and the consequences seem to be coming about in the exact same way!
In Zephaniah 1:1-6, God is again pronouncing judgment upon Judah for worshipping false gods, and says in verse 3, "I will consume the fouls of Heaven and the fishes of the sea." You may go here and read the entire passage. It seems that God's judgment upon Israel (the Northern Tribes) and Judah (the Southern Tribes) are the exact same. As I heard Chuck Missler say recently, "Whenever I've made a mistake in the study of Bible Prophecy, it is when I haven't taken it literally enough." I say to that, "AMEN!" God's word is Absolute Truth!
Now, let's apply these to America today and the end times. There are only 2 possibilities for America when it comes to the End times: 1) we are consumed at the beginning of the Tribulation and are a non-factor; or 2) we are Mystery Babylon. Either way, we are A BABYLON, and will ultimately be judged and destroyed. I know these are Heavy Words! But you can't murder the innocent (50 million unborn; countless wars and conflicts; etc) and get away with it! God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. We are under God's judgment, and if you study the history of Babylon, when Belshazzar sat in comfort arrogantly defying God and the surrounding armies, his kingdom was numbered and divided that very night (Daniel 5). One theory concerning the birds and fish along the New Madrid is that the fault line is about to shift and gases are being released into the air. While this is just theory, They thought they were impenetrable, yet they find out the hard way, they weren't. Is that our fate as a country as well? If you believe 2 Chronicles 7:14, it doesn't have to be!
We can repent; turn from our wicked ways; hear from Heaven; and see our land healed! Furthermore, Zephaniah 2:3 tells us that if we seek meekness we might be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger. Jesus said to pray that you may be counted worthy to escape those things which are coming upon the earth! While Revelation 8:9 tells us that 1/3 of all sea life will be destroyed in the Tribulation; and we may be seeing a glimpse of things to come; we can escape! Repent and be converted today, if you aren't! Trust Jesus and His shed blood alone to save you! And seek to live a life of meekness in glory to God! MARANATHA!!!
Amen Pastor,To all those who may not be saved and are hearing Jesus knock at your hearts door,open it allow Him to enter in and you will find peace that passes understanding. Jesus says He will sup with you and you with him. One thing is will never be the same