James 5:1-8, talk about how in the last days, the rich will get richer at the expense of the poor until God finally says, "Enough!" Upon hearing the cries of the laborers in the field, He steps in and destroys the wealth of the wicked. Furthermore, Revelation 6:5-6 tell us of black horse that will ride causing mass inflation in the last days. In fact, verse 6 talks about how it will take a day's wage just to get enough wheat for a loaf of bread.
Well, friends we are living to see that come about in our lifetime! Just today, the Federal Reserve announced that it would create money to buy up the national debt. It is called "Quantitative Easing." In essence they will devalue the dollar further through inflation to reduce the debt. According to an article by World Net Daily, it could have serious consequences for the dollar. You can read the entire article by going here. In the article, they cite a radio interview today with Rep. Michelle Bachmann of MN, a member of the House Finance Committe. According to Rep. Michelle Bachmann, it could devalue the dollar by 20%. She stated that she had written a letter to Chairman Bernanke of the Federal Reserve earlier this year begging him not to do this. She continued that the Fed has done such things dating back to the early part of the 20th Century. She states that "the dollar is worth about 4 cents of what it was worth in 1915 - 1920. When they overspend, they pay off the debt with cheaper dollars. But they are literally robbing the sustenance out of every American because they are devaluing their dollars. And the Americans it will hurt the most are Senior Citizens." In essence, this action will make retirement accounts not worth in real life what they are on paper, because it will drive up the cost of goods and services. Commodities prices increased dramatically today, this means that prices of groceries will be going up; prices of oil will be going up; and prices of clothing made from cotton will be going up. Could Revelation 6:5-6 be closer to fruition than we might think!?! Ultimately, It could push us to the brink of the total collapse of the dollar, at which time we would be forced possibly into a global currency.
China and Russia, who I believe are Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38-39 have been trying to take action against such events. They have been talking of a new Asian Currency that will be backed by gold. Just food for thought, "If the U.S. dollar becomes so devalued that the only way to pay off our debt to China is with a worthless dollar, what will be the only recourse?" The answer, I believe, is war. They will be forced to go and try and reclaim through war what they will have lost by loaning billions of dollars to a country with no way of paying them back. Just prior to the black horse riding, a red horse representing war appears on the scene. Friends, we could be closer to the Tribulation than anyone dares to think! Furthermore, could President Obama's trip to India be more about economics and possibly trying to get them to pay off our debt to China, instead of celebrating The Festival of Lights as is being told us in the media? If that is the case, in an effort to avoid a war with China, at that point we will become indebted to India, another "King of the East."
So where is it all going to end? We know that it will end with them throwing their gold out into the streets, when it has become worthless. A global economic system will be instituted in which no one can buy or sell without the "Mark of the Beast." Afterwards though, Christ will come back with His saints to execute vengeance upon the ungodly. He will rule and reign as it should be! So don't lose heart! Keep looking up, our redemption IS DRAWING NIGH!!! MARANATHA!
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