We have seen over the last few posts how this epic struggle between the Seed of the woman and the seed of serpent played out leading up until the time of Christ. Satan used the Nephilim of Genesis 6, the line of Ham in Genesis 9, the Kingdom(s) of Nimrod beginning in Genesis 10 and continuing through until the Medes and Persians tunnelled under the wall and interrupted Belshazzar's feast in Daniel 5.
You might ask, "Why do you say the Kingdoms [plural] of Nimrod." The reason is b/c the way the text reads in Genesis 10 and 11 is that Nimrod's Kingdom began in Babel (later Babylon) and continued in Assyria. We know from our study of Scripture that the Divided Kingdom of Israel was taken captive first by Assyria (the Northern 10 tribes) and then by Babylon (the southern 2 tribes). Intense persecution of God's people continued throughout that time and then Cyrus the Persian allowed the Jews (seed of Abraham and David) to return home. Then in the days of Jesus, Herod and the Pharisees (who were described as being of their father the Devil) persecuted Christ and His followers. After Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, He left behind his seed (body) in the world, which is the Church.
The Church is the spiritual Seed of the Woman, and Israel is STILL the physical Seed of the Woman. God has a plan for BOTH! And Satan is still at war with both the physical seed and the spiritual seed. So, if we have seen that the Seed of the Woman is in the world today and it is; what about the seed of the Serpent?
I believe that the seed of the Serpent is both physical and spiritual as well. In the early 20th Century, a man by the name of H.G. Wells, an avowed atheist and proponent of a world government, predicted an end of Zionism and the Jewish people. But much to his chagrine and others, on May 14, 1948 a miracle of God occured and the Star of David flew over a Sovereign nation. During WWII, the Nazi's which were steeped in the occult burned Churches and gassed the Jews. Shortly After WWII, the Cold War began and the Communists began their march in a quest for world domination. Along their way, they persecuted, maimed and killed Christians for their faith in God.
Since then, the seed of the Serpent has continued to advance against the Seed of the Woman. Demonism and possession is on the rise. UFO encounters, which are nothing more than demonic encounters, are on the rise. The New World Order is advancing, Henry Kissinger saying in January of last year that with Obama, we will finally be able to create a New World Order. You have Obama and Clinton both calling for a divided Capital in Jerusalem, and Iran's nuclear program on the rise.
At every turn, it seems that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, Christians and Jews are under attack, and Satan is having a field day in the world. But his time is short! Christ is coming again and the Seed of the Woman will prevail! Friends, stay close to Jesus this year. Be bold and courageous no matter what you might face. Don't allow your love to grow cold because of the lawlessness of others! Let's Bring them in, in 2010! And let's allow God to use us in ways beyond belief in 2010! God bless! MARANATHA!
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