For the next few posts, I'd like to talk about the significance of the seed of Genesis 3:15.
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The great and epic struggle of all time began in the Garden of Eden, when Satan entered the Serpent, tempted Eve, Adam and Eve sinned and then God in His grace made provision. He made this great promise that the Seed of the Woman would eventually bruise the head of the serpent.
So, what was "the Seed of the Woman?" and the "Serpent" it/he would have enmity with?
The commentator Gill gives us some insight into what might have been meant.
"...and between thy seed and her seed; the posterity of Eve, mankind, and the production of serpents, between whom the antipathy still continues, and mystically the evil angels and also wicked men called serpents; and a generation of vipers on the one hand, and the people of God on the other, the seed of the church; the latter of which are hated and persecuted by the former, and so it has been ever since this affair happened: and especially by the seed of the woman may be meant the Messiah;"
Throughout the Old Testament and new alike we have this epic struggle where that old serpent the Devil has tried to destroy the Seed of the woman. He understood the prophecy full well, because he "believes and trembles. (James 2:19)" He knew immediately what God meant, when he said, "It shall bruise thy head." The promised Seed would cut off the head of the serpent and he would have no more authority in the earth. The Messiah, Jesus Christ himself would come from the bloodline of the woman (Mary and not Joseph).
Later on, the promise was made to Abraham. Gill goes on...
"...the word "seed" sometimes signifying a single person, Gen_4:25 and particularly Christ, Gal_3:16 and he may with great propriety be so called, because he was made of a woman and not begotten by man; and who assumed not an human person, but an human nature, which is called the "holy thing", and the "seed of Abraham", as here the "seed of the woman", as well as it expresses the truth of his incarnation and the reality of his being man;"
So, God through progressive revelation continues to reveal His plan. He would come from the woman, through the line of Abraham, and then through David.
Luk 2:4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
So, Satan would stop at nothing to corrupt and/or cut off the Seed of the woman.
He tried it with the Nephilim in Genesis 6, where the Sons of God were going in to the daughters of man and producing that unholy offspring of giants which ruled the earth after the days of Enoch. These angels, which kept not their first estate (Jude 9) and are now reserved in chains for the day of judgment at Satan's bidding tried to corrupt the Seed so there was no one from which the Seed could come forth.
BUT PRAISE GOD, NOAH FOUND GRACE IN THE EYES OF THE LORD!!! And his son Shem kept the faith in the true God after his death.
Then Satan raised up Nimrod, the mighty warrior, to try again and corrupt the true religion and the promised seed. This builder of the Tower of Babel attempted to unite mankind against God in a world empire and tried to corrupt the true religion, changing the message of the constellations, which preached the gospel, into the zodiac and began that unholy cult of the worship of mother and child. Nimrod became the first ruler of Assyria, which greatly persecuted the people of God.
God then found Abraham and made the promise of the seed again to him. So Satan began that awful persecution of Anti-semitism to try and destroy the seed. He tempted Israel with idolatry and sexual immorality, trying to once again corrupt the seed, BUT GOD ALWAYS HAD HIS REMNANT. God protected the Seed while in captivity, raising up Esther for such a time as this to save the Seed from that type of Satan, Haman!
He protected the Seed when Satan stirred up Herod to try and destroy the Seed after Christ was born. And now, he is still trying to destroy the seed (Israel and the Church) whom Christ has promised to come back for.
Satan in his arrogance has always tried to thwart God, but He is unable to do so. He tries and fails, only to regroup and try once more. Over the next few weeks, we will get further into this and see how Scripture lays out from the beginning of time to that Millennial Age, Satan will try and destroy the Seed. We have seen a few examples, but we will get deeper into this as we go along. The main point today is, Satan has tried and is still trying to destroy the seed so that Christ will not have anyone to return for. He will ultimately fail, but there will be alot of casualties of this spiritual battle. Many will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We must be bold and courageous, putting on the whole armor of God and trust Christ for everything we need to gain the victory!
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