This week, I'd like to continue the theme of Islam in light of Bible prophecy by focusing on an Islamic worldview vs. the Christian/Biblical worldview. We are in a battle for truth on all fronts:
Religious Truth - pluralism and many new religions being introduced into American life.
Moral Truth - relativism vs. Absolute Truth.
Biblical Truth - liberalism vs. Conservatism.
Theological Truth - Atheism, Agnosticism, Polytheism & Pantheism vs. Theism/Monotheism.
Spiritual Truth - Earstern Mysticism vs. Western Rationalism.
We are told in Jude vs. 3 to earnestly contend for the faith, and this has mainly been against the Secular Humanist Worldview for the last 40-50 yrs. But now, there is a new worldview on the scene to be reckoned with.
I'd like to attempt to share the Islamic Worldview and lay it out vs. a Christian/Biblical Worldview, so you can see that the 2 aren't compatible and aren't the same. Both are Monotheistic yet they worship 2 totally different gods. Allah and Jehovah/Jesus are not the same. They are not different names for the same God.
In essence, the Islamic Worldview can be summed up in 3 areas: 1. Their Confession - "There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet;" 2. The 5 pillars of Islam; and 3. Their view of Jihad, the 6th Pillar of Islam referred to by some.
1. They say, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet." We say that only Jesus is the way to the Father and eternal life. We say that God loved us so much He sent His son to die for us. They say, "The only true faith in Allah's sight is Islam (Sura 3:19)."
They say, "Jesus was a prophet Virgin Born, but not God's Son." We say He is the Only Begotten Son of God." If He was virgin born, btw but not God's Son, where did His blood come from?
2. They keep the 5 pillars of Islam. What are they?
* Shahadah - recite every day, "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is His Prophet."
* Salat - pray 5 times per day facing Mecca.
* Zakat - alms giving, give 2.5% of your income to the poor.
* Sawm of Ramadan - fast from food, drink and sexual activity from Sun up to Sun down during the month of Ramadan.
* Hajj - make a pilgimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu at Hijjah.
3. The Jihad.
Jihad means "struggle." There is a Greater Jihad against self and a Lesser Jihad against others.
* Greater jihad.
+ Against self for personal improvement.
+ Of the tongue.
+ Of the hands. All devout Muslims practice this jihad which is good, but they think that in doing so, it will help them inherit eternal life.
* Lesser jihad.
+ Holy War against infidels, which basically is all non-Muslims.
This is where Radical Islam and so-called peaceful Islam differ. The Radicals Practice and believe in the Inspiration of the Hadith, whereas the non-radicals don't, they believe only the Quran is Inspired. The problem is that non-radicals will not speak out against the radicals b/c Hadith 9.93.555 states, "Allah guaranees that He will admit him into Paradise" who dies while engaged in the Lesser Jihad (Jihad of the Sword). So, the radicals continue to spread fear and create chaos in hopes that it will usher in the return of 12th Imam/Mahdi, which we discussed last week.
Christianity on the other hand believes that mankind cannot earn his way into Heaven. It is only through the shed blood of Christ on Calvary that we have forgiveness of sins and access into Heaven (Hebrews 9:22). It isn't by works of righteousness, which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us! Jesus is not the forerunner of the Mahdi, HE IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and He is our Savior and sacrificial lamb who died in our place on Calvary!
Think of that! CHRIST DIED ON CALVARY SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO IN A HOLY WAR! We should be willing to give our lives if and when called upon, but not to gain favor with God. We have that in Christ.
As you can see, CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM ARE VERY DIFFERENT. They are opposing worldviews with irreconcilable differences. We as they believe that we must convert them. But as I said, they are very devout. We won't convert them with our passive American version of Christianity, but with true Bible Christianity, which is a call to daily take up our cross, follow Him and earnestly contend for the faith. AND WE ARE TO DO IT UNTIL THE END!!! GOD BLESS!!!
Thanks for bringing us such wonderful insights into this dangerous and threatening false religion. I am still perplexed that so many Americans, most of whom claim to be Christians, can be so tolerant and accepting of Islam after the events of Sept. 11th, 2001.
ReplyDeleteThat alone should have woke us up! Not to mention the attacks on Israel, the bombings in London, Madrid, Bali and elsewhere, all of which were in the name of Islam!
Complacency should not be in the Christian vernacular...
Hey brother. Thanks for that encouragement. It is perplexing that while the Bridegroom is tarrying the Bride is slumbering and sleeping; yet it is exciting to know that Christ prophesied this 2,000 yrs. ago in conjunction with His return. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!