The following is an article which was published on March 9th by You may read the ariticle in its entirety at:
Survey: Non-Religious Americans on the Rise in Every State
Survey: Non-Religious Americans on the Rise in Every State
By Katherine T. Phan
Christian Post Reporter
Mon, Mar. 09 2009 09:10 AM EDT
The percentage of people who claim no religion has nearly doubled since 1990. Meanwhile, the percentage of Christians is on the decline, according to a new study on American religious life.
The 2008 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS), released on Monday, shows that the percentage of Americans claiming no religion, which jumped from 8.2 percent in 1990 to 14.2 in 2001, has now increased to 15 percent.
We are living in some truly amazing times! We have seen the rise and fall of liberalism/modernism and even post-modernism. We are truly in a battle for truth in the world. We live in a truth age where many are seeing the folly of liberalism, but the catch is wihout absolute truth, any "truth" is valid. So, the key question is, "Which truth is truly true?"
In this post-post-modern age (if that is a word), we are finding a paradigm shift taking place. First, the major religions are becoming more traditional. Muslims are forsaking the allegorical view of jihad for a literal one. Hindus are persecuting Christians in India. Catholics a few weeks ago started selling indulgences again(Basically, if you give money to the Catholic Church, you can get a family member or friend out of purgatory.). And second, a fault line is developing in the Church. The Churches that are still gearing their programs to impact the culture and reach post-moderns, are becoming less relevant while trying to maintain relevance. As a result, guys like Rick Warren are now trying to say and do anything including vacillating and oscillating on fundamental issues like gay marriage in order to maintain relevance and a dialogue with the culture. The Genuine Church of the Lord Jesus, on the other hand is getting more and more radical if you will in its commitment to Christ against great odds! Finally, the non-religious world is becoming more and more pagan and atheist, according to the recent surveys.
What does this mean for the Church and Bible prophecy? It means we are living in an age much like the Apostles lived in. It is a Truth Age, in which there is a battle raging for which truth is going to win. It is an age, in which the true Church thrives in its commitment to Christ and its reliance on the Holy Spirit. Is this being seen? Yes! A couple of years ago, a survey showed that Pentecostalism was quickly rising in every denomination. I believe this is proof of the hunger of Christians for a genuine move of the Holy Spirit and longing for His powerful presence in their lives. While we may disagree as to the doctrine of tongues and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as to when it takes place, ALL CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN THE NEED FOR THE WORK OF AND POWERFUL FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THEIR LIVES! We must be filled with the Spirit and not quench or grieve Him. Joel 2:28 tells us that in the last days, God would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, the sons and daughters would prophesy, the old men would dream dreams, and the young men would see visions. I see within the Church a movement among the young to really worship the Lord freely in Spirit and Truth, regardless of what anyone thinks about them. I see godly older people staying faithful and dreaming dreams of the return of the Lord!
With this return to an Apostolic Age, however we must realize that while the Church thrived, it was also greatly persecuted. It was an age where they had their antichrists (Nero and false teachers) to deal with, but they thrived in faith, love, and evangelism. It went through 10 distinct periods of persecution in the first 3 Centuries, but it was in the midst of persecution that the Church thrived! While the martyrs resisted unto blood, their blood became the seed of the Church! We in America have not yet resisted unto blood, giving our lives for Christ as martyrs. And we might be called upon to do so. We will at the least, suffer antagonism, ridicule, shame, and militant disbelief. We must always be ready to give a defense for what lies within us, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit! We must be faithful and endure to the end! Knowing that Christ is returning for a Bride without spot and wrinkle! With the time we have left, let us make it count for Christ! Be out and out for Him. And love Him unto death or the rapture, whichever comes first! GOD BLESS YOU!
A coworker (Rhoda) ask me the other day if you were still posting messages on your Blog –Living in the Last Days, she has been sharing your message I print out , with her sister. Thought it was great that they are enjoying the messages, enough to start asking for them. We discuss the messages and others at work are joining in sometimes.
ReplyDeleteToday’s message is so powerful and so truthful. We have got to stay in The Holy Word constantly and share with everyone the Lord puts in our path.
May the Lord bless you as you continue to bless others,
Sis Linda
Thanks for the encouragement. We must be true to Jesus regardless of the cost with what time we have left; souls are literally hanging in the balance.
ReplyDeleteThese are some exciting times...and if the Lord tarries I beilive that we will see persicution!....but let us always remember that the first church saw 3000 men saved in one day!...all because of bold preaching!
ReplyDeleteWe need more men of God with a back bone, and no more of these wishy washy christian preachers that rather preach to a crowd then preach under a cloud!...We need Anointed men of God to preach it hard!...We can not afford to keep silent any more!
"Listen, I'm against sin. I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot. I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist. I'll butt it as long as I've got a head. And I'll bit it as long as I've got a tooth and when I'm old, fistless, footless and toothless I'll gum it till I go home to glory and it goes home to perdition."- Billy Sunday
Amen Bro. David! Remember what John says, "The Light shined in darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it!" Keep shining the glorious light of the Gospel! We may be brought before kings and magistrates, as were the Apostles of Old, but He has promised to fill our mouths in that day! We are the light of the world, and a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid! Keep walking in the Light and letting your light shine bright, until the Bright and Morning Star returns!