Monday, February 28, 2011

The Woman, The Child and the Dragon

If there is one chapter in the Bible that is key to understanding ALL of Bible prophecy, Revelation 12 is that chapter. According to Bible Teacher Chuck Missler, "Revelation 12 has been called one of the most difficult chapters to understand in all of Scripture." But I, like he, believe that it is not. It is only difficult when you buy into the false doctrine of Replacement Theology.

Replacement Theology simply stated says that the Church has replaced Israel in God's prophetic plan and that all the promises made to Abraham and Israel have been fulfilled in the Church. The problem with this is that Paul asks in Romans 11:1, "Hath God cast away His people [speaking of Israel] forever?" And he immediately answers it, "God forbid!" If you read the rest of Romans 11, you will discover that Paul points to the believing remnant in Israel as evidence that He has not cut them off forever. He goes on to tell us that "Blindness has happened in part unto the Gentiles until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." In other words once the Gentile Bride of Christ is complete, God will turn his attention to Israel again, and so will Satan, BTW.

As we get into Revelation 12, we find three major characters: the woman, the child, and the dragon. They are 3 of the 7 personages found in the book of Revelation. So who are these 3 major players, and who do they represent?

The woman represents Israel and the "seed of the woman." Revelation 12:1, a woman is seen who is "clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and has a crown upon her head with 12 stars." Jacob/Israel himself interprets this personage for us in Genesis 37:9-10. Joseph, who is a type of Jesus Christ in the OT, had a dream. The Sun and Moon and 11 stars bow to his star. Jacob rebukes him and says, "Shall I and your mother and your brethren bow to you?" Of course we know that they did indeed bow to him. But for our intents and purposes, from this point on in the OT, Israel is seen as a woman. She is seen as the wife of Jehovah and a woman in travail. So when we see a woman clothed with the Sun and Moon and a crown of stars, we automatically think of Israel.

We also are reminded of the seed of the woman, as the dragon is trying to destroy her child. The prophecy was given in Genesis 3:15, "I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed. He shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel." Of course that was fulfilled on the cross. Jesus, the seed of an Israelite woman, had his heel bruised, but in doing so he bruised the head of the serpent.

We then come to the next character which is the man child. When he is born, the dragon is there trying to devour him. When Jesus was born, King Herod decreed that all babies 2 yrs and younger be killed. But God warns Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt and out of Egypt the Deliverer is called. Revelation 12:5 tells us "He was born to rule the nations with a rod of Iron." In the O.T. he is described with the following metaphors.

  • The seed of the woman.

  • The branch.

  • The sceptor.

  • The Governor.

  • The Messiah/Christ.

  • King of Kings. And

  • Lord of Lords.

All of these Messianic titles point to the fact that He will indeed rule a literal Kingdom upon the throne of his father David.

This man child is then caught up to God and his throne. Jesus was crucified, buried and risen, and then he ascended back to Heaven. We were told in Acts 1:11 at His ascension that "He would so come in like manner as you have seen him go into Heaven." So, his 2nd coming is tied to his ascension in the following ways.

  • He ascended from the Mt. of Olives; Zechariah 14 tells us he will return to the Mt. of Olives.

  • He ascended as conqueror of death, Hell and the Grave; he will return as conqueror of the nations.

  • He ascended as our righteousness; he will return to make war in righteousness. And

  • He ascended to become our Advocate/Defense Attorney; he will return to be a Prosecuting Attorney, prosecuting all the nations that have rejected him and persecuted his people.

Scripture tells us that he was caught up to His throne and that he sat down "having made sacrifice once for all." He is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father. And He is coming again to sit down upon the throne of His father David.

Our final character is the dragon. Revelation 12:9 tells us he is "that old serpent, the Devil." He was cast out of Heaven with 1/3 of the stars of heaven. Isaiah 14 reveals these stars to be angels. Lucifer tried to dethrone God, and he is cast out of Heaven with 1/3 of theangels who sided with him. He then becomes that old serpent the Devil. He knows his time is short, so having failed to destroy the child, he then turns his attention to those who believe on him (the Church) and then the woman.

He is seen in verse 10 as "the accuser of the brethren, which accused them before God day and night." He is accusing us, the Church/Bride of Christ, before God. He testifies constantly of our faults. But we overcame him "By the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony." We are covered by the blood and have confessed our faith in Christ, therefore, Satan cannot find an accusation that will stick and all persecution and accusation will not separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord! HALLELUJAH!!!

He then turns his attention to the woman (Israel) and the believing remnant of Daniel's 70th week. The woman flees into the wilderness and is fed and protected by God for 3.5 yrs. He sends out of flood and the earth opens up and swallows the flood. In Ezekiel 38:19, 20, when Gog and Magog and the Islamic horde/flood comes against Israel, the earth shakes and a fire is sent upon Israel's adversaries. God will protect and provide for Israel and the believing remnant during the Great Tribulation and the dragon will ultimately fail. He will try in many ways.

  • He is the power behind the beast (World Govt.) ruled by Antichrist. Rev. 13:2

  • He is the power behind those coming to Armageddon. Rev. 16:13-16

  • He is the power trying to destroy Israel to try and make sure that Christ doesn't have a people and a throne to return to and for.

But Zechariah is clear in chapter 12-14, "The Lord will fight against all the armies that come against Jerusalem." Revelation 19:11-16 are clear as well, "In righteousness he doth judge and make war!" Jesus will return just in the nick of time, rescue the believing Jewish remnant, and cast the Beast and the False Prophet into Hell! When you read headlines like these:

  • 2/25/11 American Thinker, "Soros blames Israel, is encouraged by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt."

  • 2/1/11 Jerusalem Post, "Muslim Brotherhood: Prepare Egypt for war with Israel."

  • 2/25/11 World Net Daily, "Muslim Radicals to call for Shariah at the White House."

When you read these, it screams, "The Devil is come down to you, having great wrath, because he knoweth he hath but a short time!" and "Redeem the time for the days are evil." Spiritual warfare is intensifying on an international scale! The rapture of the Church could happen at any moment! Prepare to meet your God! MARANATHA!!!

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