Friday, June 4, 2010

Israel, Oil Spills and Obamacare

It's been a while since I felt led to blog on this blogsite, but with all that has been happening lately in our world, I felt led to write.

First, there was the passage of Obamacare. What most people didn't realize at the time was just how close it put us to the brink of Revelation 13:16-17a, which state, "He causeth all, both small and great to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark." Obamacare calls for under Class II (Paragraph 1, section b) a device that is implantable or in other words an implantable micro-chip. So, now, we're going to force everyone to have health insurance, at the same time putting private insurers out of business through heavy taxation, and at the same time making it mandatory to receive this "mark" in order to buy or sell health coverage!

Next, we had the oil spill. On the surface, no pun intended, it looks to be just a major ecological disaster. But is it? Is there more to it? Revelation 8:8 states that when the 2nd angel sounds his trumpet judgment, "A great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea became blood." It goes on to say that 1/3 of all sea life will die. Is it possible that what we see happening in the gulf is a foreshadowing of Revelation 8? When you look at pictures of the spill, it looks red like blood and is wreaking havoc on the sea life and fishing industries. Then, you here of the latest govt. models predicting that it could reach Connecticut by July and Europe by the fall! I'm not saying it is, but it could be God's judgment on a planet gone rogue against Him!

Then finally, we had Hillary Clinton on behalf of the Obama Administration joining with the U.N. in condemning Israel for its so-called attack on the floatilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza. But again, was it only what meets the eye? NO!!! Israel warned the boat to stop. They kept going. They lowered their guards onto it, in order to inspect it for possible weapons smuggling from Iran to Hamas, both terrorist regimes BTW, and the guards were attacked! It would be like the Coast Guard going aboard a ship from Yemen that had entered New York harbor and the Coast Guard being attacked. I dare say, we'd sink the ship in a heartbeat, yet when Israel does it, it is met with the consternation of the world, our own President and his administration included! Again, this further proves Bible prophecy to be coming to pass before our eyes! Zechariah 12 -14 specifically describe how Jerusalem and Israel will be turned on by every army in the world in the last days. We are seeing it come about! But friends, this only excites me! I look up knowing my redemption is drawing nigh, and we've only just a little while to linger and wait before Christ returns!!! EVEN SO, COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS!!!


  1. I thought the same thing about that oil it looks like blood and that it could be a foreshadowing of what is to come...

    Its not the time to sleep brothers and sisters in Christ our Savior is comming,...Keep your wick trimed, your oil ready and your light shining don't come unaware!

  2. Monday, June 7, 2010
    GULF OIL SPILL,a glimpse of Revelation 16:3
    And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead [man]: and every living soul died in the sea.

  3. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

    Hsa 4:2
