2Ti 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
We live in day where there is more access to eduction and higher education than ever before. Since the 20th Century, there has been more discoveries and inventions than ever. There truly has been a knowledge explosion. We now are able to take an airplane ride from New York and have supper in Paris, France. You can pick up a phone and in a matter of minutes be talking to someone on the other side of the world. You can get in an automobile and be in another state in a matter of minutes to just a few hours depending on where you live. You can e-mail something to someone and they can have it in just a few seconds. You can watch a friend on a web cam many miles away, and carry on a conversation. They can split the atom and produce nuclear energy and weapons. They can look million of miles into space through telescopes and at tiny molecules under microscopes. They can decode the genetic makeup of humans and animals, even clone them. Yes, we live in an information age with an increasing knowledge.
Yet, with all these advances, we still haven't cured Cancer or AIDS. We still have violence and bloodshed. We still have wars and rumors of wars. We still have abortion and euthanasia. We still have racism and sexism. We here that education is the answer, BUT IS IT? There is the opportunity for just about everyone at least in our country to go to college, whereas 2 generations ago, graduating high school was a big deal. Yet, that generation didn't see the violent crime that we see today and fought Fascism on 3 continents and won! Could it be that education is not the answer?
The truth is that people are "EVER LEARNING." But it is equally true that they are unable to come to the knowledge of the Truth, in these last days, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 3. It is only the knowledge of the Truth which can set a man free (John 8:32). Jesus is that TRUTH, friends!
While it is prophesied that the world would be like this in the last days, it doesn't relieve us of our responsibility to reach the lost. We must continue to pray, preach and practice what we know to be true in these last days! There are still souls to be saved, but we must reach them before it's too late! Let us live for Jesus and study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15), and not be ever learning but unable to come to the knowledge of the truth. God Bless!
Well put Bro. Nathan! The answer is, and always has been, Jesus. Not more knowledge. Not more education. Not more open-mindedness. It's Jesus, and only Jesus!