Below, I have shared a portion of an article by Joseph Farah from entitled, "I agree with Rick Warren." It is truly sad to see how the man that Jerry Falwell called, "The Purpose-Driven Prophet," has gone so quickly down the slippery slope of ecumenicalism and compromise. After writing the best seller "Purpose-Driven Life" and coming on the scene in 2003 and 2004, he quickly started down this road.
He promoted at first political cooperation between Evangelicals and Catholics in 2004. Then in 2008 he hosted the first ever Presidential Forum/Debate to be held inside of a Church between Barack Obama and John McCain. In January, he prayed the Inaugural Prayer in the Name of "Jesus and Issa." Issa is the Muslim name for Jesus, yet their Jesus is one who will return only to tell everyone to convert to Islam and worship the Mahdi. Now, He is calling on Christians and Muslims to work together to rid the world of its ills. Joseph Farah, Christian editor of, an on-line news site, hits the nail on the head in the following article. It is so good that I needed to share it with all.
I agree with Rick Warren!
By Joseph Farah
Posted: July 13, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
Rick Warren told the Islamic Society of North America last week that he is not interested in interfaith dialogue; he's only interested in interfaith projects.
I agree with Rick Warren.
So let's get started. I have a project to suggest. It's very simple. It's very straightforward. I think it's a great starting point for Christian-Muslim action.
Let's get Muslims to stop killing and oppressing Christians and Jews around the world.
That would be the speech I would deliver to a group such as the Islamic Society of North America, a front group for the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, which has incubated and supported terrorist organizations such as al-Qaida and Hamas.
But, then again, it's unlikely ISNA is ever going to invite me to address its national convention. And that's just fine with me.
Nevertheless, I'm serious about my proposition. I really do agree with Rick Warren that "interfaith dialogue" is a waste of time. There are only two kinds of relationship Christians should have with unbelievers, according to the Bible:
We should evangelize them so that they can know the true nature of God and begin a real relationship with Him and have a chance for eternal life; (Mark 16:15)
Failing that, we should separate ourselves from them for our own protection; (1 Kings 8:53)
We should rescue believers who fall captive and are forced to live under their yoke of oppression and the threat of death as Abraham did with his nephew Lot; (Genesis 14)
Am I missing anything? Maybe so. But I can't find a single biblical reference that suggests believers should develop public works projects with non-believers. It may sound good. It may tickle the ears. It may seem like it makes sense from a worldly perspective. His Word does not suggest we should, as Rick Warren suggests, attempt to "team tackle" the world's problems with non-believers.
There's simply no biblical precedent for any of this.
For instance, Rick Warren thinks we should work with Muslims to address certain issues. This is what his so-called PEACE plan is about. The issues on which we are supposed to work together are the following:
spiritual emptiness: How are Christian believers supposed to work with Muslims on spiritual emptiness without getting them to understand repentance and grace? That is the only way spiritual emptiness can be addressed from a biblical perspective. That means evangelism.
corrupt leadership: The definition of corrupt leadership from a biblical perspective is leadership not adhering to God's Word. How are believers to form a new definition that will be palatable to non-believers and still true to the Bible?
extreme poverty: Jesus does tell believers to minister to the poor, but I fail to see where he suggests we should do this in conjunction with government programs, non-believers or in the name of other gods.
pandemic diseases: Is the God we serve not big enough to address problems? Do we need the help of other gods? Is that a biblical principle?
illiteracy and education: And what are we to teach people? Should we help Muslim nations and Muslim groups to teach their children the Quran? Or do we expect Muslim nations and Muslim groups to permit us to teach their people to read the Bible?
All these ideas sound nice. They sound humane. They sound reasonable. They sound like areas for "common ground."
But, as far as I can see, they have nothing to do with what Jesus taught.
Yes, we are to deal with spiritual emptiness – in the name of Jesus.
Yes, we are to deal with corrupt leadership – in the name of Jesus.
Yes, we are to help the poor – in the name of Jesus.
Yes, we are to cure the sick – in the name of Jesus.
Yes, we are to educate – in the name of Jesus.
As we are told in 2 Corinthians 6:14: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
Christianity is no more compatible with Islam than Oil is with Water! THE TWO CAN'T MIX. We are living in a day when the Church in America has been Spoiled and Cheated through philosophy and empty deceit, just as Paul said it would in Colossians 2:7. This falling away from the truth is predicted (1 Timothy 4:1), yet it saddens our heart to see it happening. Jesus said it best in Matthew 24:10, "Many will be offended." So many in the church are stumbling and falling because of these self-proclaimed prophets who claim to speak for God, yet are only speaking for themselves. The only question that remains is "Will the American Church wake up, arise and fulfill its destiny in these last days; or will it continue to sleep and let the world drift closer to Hell?" Time will tell, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, ESPECIALLY IN THESE LAST DAYS!!!
Great article!! It is so sad that even still all this...there are many SBC churches that are clammering to this man...why? because he has a big church?...Give me a church with substance, with doctrine, with bible! I think that Life way should take every Rick Warren book off the shelf and hold that man responsible for his actions!! If you have the nerve to pray like that knowing your going to be on the record...then it is high time for Life way to make a statement of there own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's start a letter writing campaign to do that, of course they won't as long as he's making them money sad as it is to say.