Saturday, March 28, 2009

I will bless those that bless you!

The following article is from

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update: Israel's chief of staff cuts trip short after doors close in Obama's Washington

WASHINGTON — Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi cut short his visit to Washington after getting an extraordinarily cool reception from the new U.S. administration.

Last year, Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi had no problem setting up meetings with top officials in the U.S. government.
On his current trip to Washington, Ashkenazi sought to meet the administration of President Barack Obama, but most officials were unavailable. A statement to by the Israel Defense Forces spokesman attempted to downplay the snubs.

Diplomatic sources said Ashkenazi failed to obtain access to any Cabinet member, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The Israeli military chief, who sought to discuss the Iranian nuclear threat, was also unable meet his counterpart, Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

You may read the entire article at:

Our nation has begun a terrible slide down a slipery slope from which there may be no return. God blessed Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 and promised to bless those who blessed him and his seed, and curse those who cursed them. According to the above article, the Israeli military chief had planned a visit to the U.S. for months, but upon his arrival, he was met with one closed door after another. If closing your doors and turning your back on the apple of God's eye is considered necessary "change" by the new administration, we are in trouble.

Now, don't get me wrong. The previous administration took just as wreckless of an approach toward Israel, and we are still suffering the consequences. A little known fact of recent history is that the very week before Hurricane Katrina hit, Condoleza Rice, under the direction of the Bush administration was in Israel, pressuring then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to give up the Gaza strip. The very week that Israeli citizens were on their rooftops crying for help and a way to escape, our citizens were doing the same. YOU DON'T PROVOKE GOD TO WRATH BY POKING HIM IN THE EYE AND GET AWAY WITH IT!

So, what was the Israeli Minister wanting to discuss? There is a growing threat to them from a nuclear Iran. The Obama administration said that they only wanted to discuss the Palestinian problem and not Iran. So, while a madman bent on destroying Israel is building his arsenal, the U.S. is asleep and unwilling to even talk about it.

Well, Israel need not worry! Revelation 12 describes an event in which a woman, clothed in the sun (which is a description of Israel in the Old Testament) will be persecuted by the dragon, which is kicked out of Heaven for 3.5 yrs. She will have to flee to the desert, but there God will supernaturally protect and provide for her. In fact, in the last days, the whole world will turn its back on Israel. They will once again surround Jerusalem and seek to destroy God's people. But God will intervene. Jesus will step out of Heaven and say, "ENOUGH!" He will execute judgment on the lost Gentile world. The nation of Israel will look upon Him whom they have pierced, weep and morn; and a nation will be converted to Christ in a day! This is seen in Zechariah and it will come to pass.

So, when we see these things happen, what should we do? We should first pray, that the administration will not continue its current path, because God's wrath will fall, and we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We should furthermore seek to warn the lost, that we are seeing prophecy fulfilled before our very eyes every day! The fulness of the Gentiles is coming in, and we are in the last days! If someone wants to be saved, they should get saved now and not wait! And lastly, as always, we should look up! Lift up your head; your redemption is drawing nigh! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

If you'd like to learn more about Israel and her struggle, click on the flag under, "Stand With Israel" on the right of the page.


  1. Bro. Nathan,
    I lift you up in prayer for the messages the Lord is placing in your heart to share with us. I still feel that a lot of folks are not getting the connection but I continue to share with family, friends and co-workers. It continues to amaze me that the news media is not putting this information out to the world.
    Another note: Ariel Sharon the Prime Minister of Israel during the time of Gaza Strip being given over to the Palestinians was struck down with a stroke shortly afterwards and to this day has not recovered.
    May the Lord continue to lift you up and bless you as you bless us.

  2. God bless you Linda. That is absolutely right about Sharon. You can't divide God's land and expect anything but judgment.

  3. As a nation,we continue to provoke God and everyone looks around and wonders why we are in CRISIS. Dear fellow soldiers it is time to step into your spiritual armor and get on the firing line. As Christians we must STAND with Israel. But we also need to UNITE for Israel.
